Pythagoreans, who were accustomed to celebrating sunrise, believe the number ten (known as tetraktys) to be sacred. It’s perhaps no coincidence that this series is composed of ten images, nor the title above. For the philosophical school this sacred number symbolized the return to unity, to the creation of the universe, source and root of eternal nature. And, according to them, since everything derives from SHE, may all come back to SHE, saying.
Perhaps in this return we discover that body melts into the landscape. Suddenly everything is light, reflection, shadow, fern or tree. Suddenly the body that inhabits the landscape becomes landscape or maybe everything is body. It is difficult to separate where one ends and where the other begins. This dual symbolic function leaves snapshots with a light, yet solid, atmosphere. And in this metaphorical duality SHE is image of a totality in movement.
For here beauty falls on the side of what we do not see: the light of impossible shadows, the flexibility of still nature, the stroke of falling water, the foreboding of horizons. A subtle movement that forces us to move forward as the sun does each morning. And embedded of the Pythagorean spirit we can only join in the celebration of the start of this new series from the artist Juan Mas-Bagá
Nieves Rod